Help Us Encourage Vaccinations

Use these outreach materials to amplify and extend the reach of the campaign messages and activities among our priority audiences.

About The Campaign

Risk Less. Do More. Overview: Goals, Audiences, and Engagement

Let’s increase awareness and uptake of vaccines to help reduce severe illness from influenza (flu), COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in at-risk populations.

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Campaign Ads

View the latest campaign advertisements informing audiences about flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccines.

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Health Care Providers

Review a range of resources to share with patients, including a flu, COVID-19, and RSV fact sheet, commonly asked questions and answers about vaccines, and a poster outlining key reasons to get vaccinated.

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Share The Facts

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Need messaging for a newsletter?

Use our sample newsletter copy as is or use it as inspiration for your own messages to encourage your community to get this season’s flu, COVID-19, ad RSV vaccines.

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Spread Awareness

Social Media Posts for Older Adults

Help older adults stay protected against respiratory viruses. Get the word out by sharing images and suggested copy on your own social media platforms.

Social Media Posts for Pregnant People

Keep pregnant people and newborns protected from respiratory viruses. Get the word out by sharing images and suggested copy on your own social media platforms.