Stay Well Delivered Health Resources to 21 Black Communities for Minority

Stay Well Vaccinated Over 400 People for National Minority Health Month

WASHINGTON — April 24, 2023 — The Stay Well Community Health Initiative’s Nationwide Vaccination Day provided over 400 COVID-19 vaccinations and free health resources to hundreds of people on April 22, 2023. In recognition of April being National Minority Health Month, Stay Well and the We Can Do This Campaign partnered with seven community-based organizations for this nationwide activation focused on providing vaccine equity and access:

–      100 Black Men of America
–      Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
–      Black Nurse Collaborative
–      Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
–      The Links, Incorporated
–      Top Ladies of Distinction
–      W. Montague Cobb/National Medical Association (NMA) 
Black individuals have historically faced healthcare inequities, and Black communities have continued to face barriers to healthcare access. That was why the Stay Well Community Health Initiative designed specific events to bring health-related resources to Black communities. Stay Well’s Nationwide Vaccination Day took place in 21 cities across the country in partnership with the We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign. The event had activations in Atlanta, Chicago, Indianapolis, Miami, New Orleans and Washington, DC and many more predominantly Black cities.
To learn more, visit the Stay Well Health Hub.
About The Stay Well Community Health Initiative 
Stay Well events were designed to bring health-related resources to Black communities across the country. Stay Well partnered with local health agencies and community-based organizations in select cities and educated Black communities while working to make vaccine resources more accessible. These fairs featured panel discussions with local, trusted Black healthcare professionals on the continued impact of COVID-19 vaccines and emerging variants.

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