Fact or Fiction: Addressing and Correcting Misinformation about COVID-19 Vaccines
Jamie Foxx was recently in the hospital for a few months following a viral infection from an unknown cause. Some online claims suggested that the actor fell sick after receiving his COVID-19 vaccination, but a representative for Foxx stated that the vaccine was not the cause and sources said he was recovering from this medical emergency.
When the rumor went viral on social media initially, vaccine conspiracies about blood clots and DNA changes resurfaced, like those that were prominent when COVID-19 vaccines were first made available. Despite attempts to address these types of rumors with facts and science, misinformation surrounding COVID-19 vaccinations were easily amplified through social media. Yet, the fact remains that Black people are more receptive to getting vaccinated against COVID-19 than other populations, according to a survey published in JAMA Network Open.
In addition, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in the Black community have consistently pointed to the science, stating that vaccines offer the best protection from the COVID-19 virus. Many Black health professionals have debunked conspiracies and misinformation on social media, sharing fact-based information and insights from their experiences on the front lines of the pandemic.
Although the Public Health Emergency has ended, people are still encouraged to get free vaccines, especially with the onset of the summer travel season, and to talk to their healthcare provider to get any questions answered.
Since the height of the pandemic, the Stay Well Community Health Initiative, which was part of the We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, worked tirelessly to increase confidence and uptake in vaccinations.
COVID Vaccine Myth-Busters
As misinformation continues to circulate, it’s important to fact check what people may be seeing online:
Myth: COVID vaccines contain microchips.
Fact: COVID-19 vaccinations don’t contain any metals or materials that produce an electromagnetic field. They’re also free of electrodes, nanotubes, gelatin, and other preservatives.
Myth: COVID vaccines can alter my DNA.
Fact: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 vaccinations don’t alter DNA. They do help cells build protection against infections, but the vaccine never enters the cell nucleus. The mRNA vaccine breaks down once it reaches its destination and discards the genetic material after it’s been delivered.
Myth: COVID vaccines can cause fertility problems.
Fact: Research shows that women may see some changes in their menstrual cycle after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but there’s no evidence pointing to fertility problems.
Myth: COVID-19 vaccines develop more variants.
Fact: COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. Instead, COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent new variants from emerging.
Myth: Booster shots aren’t needed once someone has been vaccinated.
Fact: The COVID-19 virus has evolved since 2020, and vaccines have been updated to better target new strains. Updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines offer protection against two strains of the virus. These vaccines may be updated in the future, like flu shots are, when new strains emerge. Research shows that the updated vaccine that targets Omicron subvariants and the original coronavirus, was more effective and resulted in lower hospitalization rates compared to those who opted out.
To learn more about the We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, visit wecandothis.hhs.gov.
For additional health resources, visit staywellhealthub.com.
About The Stay Well Community Health Initiative
Stay Well events were designed to bring health-related resources to Black communities across the country. Stay Well partnered with local health agencies and community-based organizations in select cities to educate Black communities while working to make vaccine resources more accessible. These fairs featured panel discussions with local, trusted Black health care professionals on the continued impact of COVID-19 vaccines and emerging variants. For more information, visit staywellhealthub.com.
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